Patti Pineda
2022 Title HolderPatti Pineda
Shapely Regency International 2022

Though she was born and raised in Brooklyn, this Afro-Latina New York native has established her life in Oklahoma. Involved in the pageant world for over 5+ years, as a behind-the-scenes Mother of 2 young Queens, Patti Pineda decided to step into the light at the age of 34, earning the title of Ms. Shapely Oklahoma in October of 2021. Patti utilized this as an opportunity to learn, grow and bond even more with her daughters. Under the guidance of Coach Erin Husbands, with The Crowning Moment (TCM), and utilizing her families personal platform, #F.E.E.D (Food. Education. Encouraging. Dreams.), this past July, Patti earned and was crowned (the second) Shapely Regency International. When this U.S. Navy Veteran is not making an appearance, she is working on her Senior year of college to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management in May of 2023, working hand in hand with non-profit organizations such as Food On The Move (FOTM) or supporting her children through their many wonderful endeavors.
Patti Pineda
“Everyone deserves Food, Education, and Encouragement. So let’s work together to make their Dreams come true!”