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2023 Title Holder

International Pageant


Crown Cases

Kathryn Ozmaya

2023 Title Holder
Little Miss Regency International 2023 -2024
Kathryn Ozmaya

Classic Regency International 2023

I’m Kathryn Özmaya the reigning, and very proud, Classic Regency International 23-24. I am a 57-year-old mum to three grown-up children, Jordan Miar (33), James-Ìlker (22) & Katie Georgia (20) and I live in the United Kingdom with my fiancée Darren. I am an Executive Officer for a UK leading family therapy charity I have been involved in pageantry for 8 years now and have held several UK and European titles in the lead up to Regency International 2023.

Whilst I enjoy pageants immensely what I enjoy more is the opportunities it affords you outside of the pageant community. In 2021 during the global Covid pandemic, I identified that there was an increasing need to support vulnerable young adults who were at risk of being homeless or having homeless status, so I formed an organisation called Streetz which aimed to provide these young people with the tools and opportunities they needed to forge a brighter future for themselves. With the support of the pageant community, friends, and family members, through various competitions and charity pageants, I am proud to say that to date, myself and our supporters, have raised approximately £20,000. We focus on education, employment, and emotional well-being needs and are soon due to launch the Peaceful Minds Project; a 12-week instructional course that will provide instruction and information including practical money management, CV writing, interview techniques, practical housekeeping, and more.

In addition to this, I am a Director of United Kingdom Endeavour, a UK national pageant system that focuses on 100% inclusivity and is therefore adaptive to the needs of all our finalists. All our finalists support Streetz so it enables me to support my organization and those entering pageantry at the same time.

I am a huge advocate for classic ladies in pageantry; we come with a wealth of knowledge and life experience that can be invaluable to younger kings, queens, and those at the start of their pageant journey.

Unfortunately, there is a sad aspect to my life which is the disabilities I live with on a daily basis. I suffer from hip dysplasia, chronic osteoarthritis in most joints, degenerative disc disease, and fibromyalgia. But these disabilities do not define me; they have made me stronger and more determined to make the most out of every day of my life, especially when it enables me to support my family and the young people who hugely benefit from the services that Streetz can offer them.

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