Areas of Competition
Regency International Competition
The Regency International system has many of the same competitions as some of the other pageant systems, but our competitions have been updated to reflect the modern style and elegance of today’s International woman. Each contestant will compete in Four categories: (this will be required) optionals will not be required.
- Fashion Wear
- Interview
- Photogenic
- Evening Wear
Fashion Wear Competition
The fashion wear competition should reflect the personal style of the delegate. The delegate should take this opportunity to choose an outfit that is truly them. Contestant should look to project their personal style, age and personality on stage. This segment will be very much like a runway show. The fashion wear competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.
Personal Interview Competition
The Personal interview competition is the delegate’s best opportunity to allow the judges to get to know them personally and intimately. Each Delegate will be interviewed individually and will have to answer the question on a variety of topics. They will have the opportunity to talk about themselves, current events, social issues, and personalities that affect the world today. Judges will be looking for articulate, well-spoken and confident ladies. The personal interview competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.
Evening Wear Competition
One word should describe the evening wear competition – Elegance. The evening wear competition is the contestants opportunity to show their style, poise and confidence. The evening wear competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score. Judges will be looking for articulate, well spoken and confident ladies. The personal interview competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.
Photographic Competition
Regency International™ titleholders must possess photogenic appeal and ability to project an image consistent with beauty and elegance. Photogenic competition is worth 25% of contestants score. Photo requirements:
- Color or photos do not have to be professional but should be of good quality and clarity.
- Bring Photo to Pageant. Photos will be returned after the judging.
- Judges will score the photo from 1-10 based on the following criteria: photogenic appeal, photo quality & clarity, beauty of face, personality, and grooming
Tiny, Miss, Petitie Miss, Little Miss and Jr Miss Competition (12 and Under rules) Only.
- These rules are for Contests 12 and under only.
- None of the following is allowed for these 4 divisions: No Fake Hair, No Fake Teeth, No Fake Tans.
- Make up is allowed but the judges should not be able to tell they are wearing any.
- Contestants may wear little foundation, Mascara, little blush, and Lip Gloss.
- Too much makeup can result in score reduction
- May wear long dresses for Evening Gown Competition
- May wear dress or suit for interview. Questions will be in the areas of school, activities, sports, pets, family and other interest.
RIO Optional Contests
The optional contests provide more opportunities to showcase your individual interests, gain confidence, and be recognized for your talents. Each provides another opportunity for you to be crowned!
The optional contests are judged by a completely separate panel of judges from the panels that select the Regency International Queen Titles. The optional contest scores have no effect on the Required Competition scoring.
Each participant will receive a Custom-made Sash Pin.
The winner will receive an Official RIO Optional Crown, Satin Sash and Plaque.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th runners-up will receive a Plaque.
Costume (International Pageant Only)
Available to All Age Divisions
Dassel the Judges in your costume that showcases your City, State, Region or Country. Your costume should reflect the area that you are representing. The design of your costume can range from the traditional or customary to more elaborate and dramatic. You need to make sure that your costume is appropriate for your age, points will be deducted if the judges feel it is inappropriate. Our judges will be looking for creativity, confidence, personality, and stage presence.
Available to All Age Divisions
Can’t decide which photo to submit for the Photogenic competition? Here’s your chance to submit them all, show how photogenic and versatile you are through print. All portraits must be submitted in a portfolio. Your portfolio can range from a professional portfolio to a small 1” binder with each photo in a protective cover. No loose photos will be accepted. Your portfolio needs to have a minimum of 3 photographs, with a maximum of 10 photographs. You need to make sure that your photos are appropriate for your age, points will be deducted if the judges feel they are inappropriate. Our judges will be looking for versatility, style, confidence, personality, and photo quality.
Everyday Wear
Available to All Age Divisions
Walk the runway in an off-the-rack outfit of your choice, that reflects your personal style and personality. The outfit can range from jeans with a simple top and killer heels to a sundress with fun sandals. You need to remember that this is not your fun fashion competition, everything you wear on stage should be something you would wear in your everyday life. Our judges will be looking for poise, confidence, personality, a natural comfortable walk, and stage presence.
Available to All Age Divisions
Showcase your public speaking skills and support an issue that is close to your heart with a three-minute speech. Judges will be looking for professionalism, content, and confident delivery. Once you reach your three-minute allowance, points will be deducted if you go over. So, it is best to make sure it is kept under the allotted time and give extra time for delays that you may have during the presentation.
Available to All Age Divisions
Wow the judges with your skills in a maximum of three-minute talent presentation. Our judges will be looking for stage presence, entertainment value, confidence, and poise under pressure.
Teen, Miss, Ms., Mrs., and Classic only
Show your confidence and self-esteem as you grace the runway in a swimsuit of your choice. You may wear a modest one- or two-piece swimsuit, along with a sarong. Our judges will be looking for confidence, a healthy physique, personality, and stage presence.
# of Optional's | Cost per Optional | Total Cost |
1 | $75 | $75 |
2 | $70 | $140 |
3 | $65 | $195 |
4 | $60 | $240 |
5 | $50 | $250 |
6 | $50 | $300 |
7 | $50 | $350 |