
2023 Title Holder

International Pageant


Crown Cases

Silver crown with blue gemstones

Crown Case


International Pageant
July 25th – 29th, 2023
Las Vegas, NV

Congratulations, on being selected to represent your state, area, or country as a contestant at the 2023 Regency International Pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada, from July 25th thru 29th, 2023. The handbook contains information you’ll need to prepare yourself for this spectacular experience. Please adhere strictly to the deadlines and requirements outlined to help ensure a smooth-running, well-organized, and relaxed event for both delegates and parents alike.

I am sure that you will find your experience as a Regency International girl one to be cherished. If you need anything please feel free to contact me, Mrs. Terri Dingle, via email at [email protected] with questions regarding your preparation for the pageant. I am happy to assist you in any way and help make the journey to internationals an enjoyable experience. Best of luck to each of you!

Also, be sure to look on Facebook for pageant updates on Facebook

2023 Regency International Pageant and on our website at


Terri Dingle
President & CEO,
Regency International Pageant


Golden Nugget Las Vegas Hotel & Casino

129 East Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 385-7111

Group Discount Code: GLRIP23

It is not required that you stay at the host hotel. If you will be staying at the host hotel, please book your room ASAP to ensure you receive the group rate. Be sure to tell reservations you are with Regency International and the group code is: GLRIP23

You are a part of one of the fastest-growing pageant systems for women, in the U.S., and internationally! As a contestant, you will have the opportunity to meet and compete with other women from all over the world…AND have the opportunity to win the coveted custom-designed, Regency International Crown…fit only for a Queen…as well as other beautiful awards, not to mention the honor of becoming the NEXT  Regency International Queen.

The competitions don’t just focus on beauty, but it also allows each woman and young girl the opportunity to grow and advance their personal and career goals, while acting as role models in their community. You could be our next Regency International Pageant Winner.


Other awards to be given are Photogenic, Congeniality*, Community Service*, Visibility*, Achievement* and more! * These awards are not part of the overall winners’ scores. These awards do not cost anything to apply for.




Achievement Award

This is a very special award given to a contestant, by the directors, for their outstanding work on a project they started or created in a community, charity, or group. If no one in the Contestants Division meets this requirement, the award is then awarded to the contestant that the Regency Pageant feels did an outstanding job on another event or events they did not create but were involved in.

Examples: Started a clothing drive for flood victims at their school, organized a food drive for a food bank, etc.

Achievement (not everyone will do this one) One awarded in each division. This is for making your own event.

Achievement Award Application for 2023 Internationals (


Community Service Award

This award is presented to the contestant who has the most use of her title to help with community and charity work via appearances and working as a volunteer for charities in her community. (Information obtained by the community service form) (4 Levels Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum)

Community Service is a Charity Event such as the Cancer Society, Humane Society, Food Bank, and others.  Record in the link below.

Community Service for 2023 Internationals (


Title Visibility Award

This award is presented to the contestant who has upheld the standards and image of the Regency International Pageant through the most use of her local title via appearances throughout her community. (Information obtained by the Title Visibility Form) (4 Levels Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum)

Visibility is the appearance award for things such as Parades, Judging other pageants, or any event that is not a charity.

Title Visibility for 2023 Internationals (


 Social Influencer

This award is presented to the contestant who has upheld the standards and image of the Regency International Pageant through social media. Promoting her Title, or Platform.  One titleholder from each division will be awarded. 


Essay Scholarships

There are 3 Essay Scholarships awarded at the International Pageant only. Ages 8 to 12, Ages 13 to 18, and 19 and Up. This $250.00 Cash scholarship is awarded to one contestant from each of the 3 age breakdowns.  This is judged by an outside Teacher or professor. A topic is given out sometime in early spring.


Blogger Scholarship

There will be one Blogger Scholarship.  This Scholarship is awarded at the International Pageant only. Ages 13 and up. This $250.00 Cash scholarship is awarded to one contestant for their blog or blogs that appear on the Regency International website.  The winner is chosen by the number of website hits and the content of the blog or blogs.


Academic Award

This award is presented to the contestants who have shown Academic Excellence in the following areas: Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, Deans’s List, and National Honor Society.  (required to show proof).  Email to: [email protected]

Academic Achievement for 2023 Internationals (



This is a traditional award voted on solely by the contestants and awarded to the contestant who most displayed that spirit of warmth and camaraderie with her fellow contestants.


Directors Award

This award is chosen by the director and pageant staff and is awarded to a local or State Director who has made a positive impression and has given his or her time to help contestants in their pageants reach their goals and dreams.


People’s Choice Award

Given to the Contestant in Each Division that has the most online Votes during the People Choice Line Contest.  It will cost $1.00 to cast a vote. This money is used to help pay for the Essay Scholarships, and to help offset some of the guest costs.

The overall People’s Choice winner will receive the Regency International Ambassador Title.  This will include satin sash and crown, and the winner will also go on the Queen’s cruise with the winners of the Regency International Pageant.


Ad Sales

This award is given to the local titleholder who has generated the most sponsorship through ad sales


Marriage Award

The marriage longevity award is given to the contestant who has been married the longest

*Some awards may be given only to one contestant in the pageant.

Not all awards are given at the State level.   This list is the International Pageant Awards. Check with State directors if any Optional Awards will be given out.


RIO Optional Contests

The optional contests provide more opportunities to showcase your individual interests, gain confidence, and be recognized for your talents. Each provides another opportunity for you to be crowned!

These Optional Contests do cost extra to take part in.  Contestants are not required to do the Optional contests.

The optional contests are judged by a completely separate panel of judges from the panels that select the Regency International Queen Titles. The optional contest scores have no effect on the Required Competition scoring.

 Each participant will receive a Custom-made Sash Pin.

The winner will receive an Official RIO Optional Crown, Satin Sash


Costume (International Pageant Only)

Available to All Age Divisions

Dazzle the Judges in your costume that showcases your City, State, Region or Country. Your costume should reflect the area that you are representing. The design of your costume can range from traditional or customary to more elaborate and dramatic.  You need to make sure that your costume is appropriate for your age, points will be deducted if the judges feel it is inappropriate. Our judges will be looking for creativity, confidence, personality, and stage presence.


Available to All Age Divisions

Can’t decide which photo to submit for the Photogenic competition? Here’s your chance to submit them all, show how photogenic and versatile you are through print. All portraits must be submitted in a portfolio. Your portfolio can range from a professional portfolio to a small 1” binder with each photo in a protective cover.  No loose photos will be accepted. Your portfolio needs to have a minimum of 3 photographs, with a maximum of 10 photographs.  You need to make sure that your photos are appropriate for your age, points will be deducted if the judges feel they are inappropriate. Our judges will be looking for versatility, style, confidence, personality, and photo quality.

Everyday (Causal) Wear

Available to All Age Divisions

Walk the runway in an off-the-rack outfit of your choice, that reflects your personal style and personality. The outfit can range from jeans with a simple top and killer heels to a sundress with fun sandals. You need to remember that this is not your fun fashion competition, everything you wear on stage should be something you would wear in your everyday life. Our judges will be looking for poise, confidence, personality, a natural comfortable walk, and stage presence.


Available to All Age Divisions

Showcase your public speaking skills and support an issue that is close to your heart with a 90 seconds speech.  Judges will be looking for professionalism, content, and confident delivery. Once you reach your three-minute allowance, points will be deducted if you go over.  So, it is best to make sure it is kept under the allotted time and give extra time for delays that you may have during the presentation.


Available to All Age Divisions

Wow the judges with your skills in a maximum of 90 seconds talent presentation. Our judges will be looking for stage presence, entertainment value, confidence, and poise under pressure.

Group Talent

Available to All Age Divisions

Wow the judges with your group’s skills in a maximum of a 90 second talent presentation. Max 3 people, One Contestant, the other two can be another contestant or a non-contestant.  Our judges will be looking for stage presence, entertainment value, confidence, and poise under pressure.

BFF (International Pageant Only)

Available to All Age Divisions (Two Contestants in any divisions)

You and your BFF Dazzle the Judges in your outfits that showcase both contestants’ sense of style. This segment will be very much like a runway fashion show.  The outfits do not have to be the same but should complement each other. No full-length evening gowns or costumes.

Make sure your outfits are age-appropriate points will be deducted if the judges feel it is inappropriate. Our judges will be looking for creativity, confidence, personality, and stage presence.


Mother and Daughter  (International Pageant Only)

Available to All Age Divisions (Two Contestants in any divisions)

You and your Daughter will Dazzle the Judges in your outfits that showcase both of the contestant’s sense of style. This segment will be very much like a runway fashion show.  The outfits do not have to be the same but should complement each other. No full-length evening gowns or costumes.

Make sure your outfits are age-appropriate points will be deducted if the judges feel it is inappropriate. Our judges will be looking for creativity, confidence, personality, and stage presence.


Jr. Teen, Teen, Miss, Ms., Mrs., Shapely, and Classic only

Show your confidence and self-esteem as you grace the runway in a swimsuit of your choice. You may wear a modest one- or two-piece swimsuit, along with a sarong. Our judges will be looking for confidence, a healthy physique, personality, and stage presence.



Required outfits:

tiny, petite, and little are full covered tank and pants (fitness gear)

Jr miss and jr teen sports bra or tank and pants

Teen and up can be sports bra or tank and biker shorts or pants



Tiny, petite, and little miss one routine

Jr miss and jr teen one routine

Teen and up another routine

They will be posted in January 2023 so everyone has time to prepare Judges will receive the routine in advance and write it out as well All contestants must do the routine for their age division.

Boys, Teenagers, and Men Competition: Optional  Entry Fee $125.00

Ages Little Minster (4 to 8), Minster (9 to 12) Mr. Teen (13 to 18) Mr. (19 and up)

 Two areas of Competition:   Fashion and Evening Wear:

Fashion 50% of score: 

Impress the Judges in your outfit that showcases the contestant’s sense of style. This segment will be very much like a runway fashion show. Overall grooming, Footwear (do the shoes compliment the outfit?), Accessories (Are they relevant? Ie. Hat, scarf, etc., Does it suit the look?) Eye contact, Confidence, and Stage presence are all considered as well.   

Evening Wear 50% of Score:

Overall grooming, Suit/Styling (Suits recommended for formal) is it the right length, fit, and cut.   Does the of their suit Compliment them) Footwear (does the ‘suit’ shoe color, compliment the suit) Accessories (are they relevant? le: a cane.   Does it suit the look? Cufflinks: are they complimentary to the suit and wearer) Eye contact, confidence and stage presence are all taken into


Internationals Optional Cost.

Winners will receive (new) Optional Crown, Satin Sash, Plaque, and Pin


Here are the 7 Optional to choose from. Everyday Wear, Talent, Portfolio, Spokesmodel, Swimwear (Jr.teen and up only), Costume (should represent your title).


Specialty Optionals Cost

  • Mother/Daughter (any division Two contestants) $125.00 for the Team
  • BFF (Two Contestants in any division)  $125.00 for the Team
  • Group Talent (1 Contestant & Non-Contestant) example Ballroom Dancing or 3 Contestants example singing or dancing $125.00 for the Team
  • Men, Young Men, and Boy’s Competition (Two areas of competition) $125.00 per contestant


Optional Competition Sign-Up for 2023 Internationals (


 These awards are based on scores and are awarded, during the Competition.

Photogenic Winner- Contestant in each Division with the highest Score.

  • Winner
  • 1st Runner Up
  • 2nd Runner Up
  • 3rd Runner Up
  • 4th Runner Up– only if 7 or more contestants
  • 5th Runner Up– only if 8 or more contestants

Photogenic (25%)


Photos are submitted electronically and uploaded to the website. Please submit photos to [email protected]


Photos do not have to be professional but should be of good quality and clarity. Judges will judge photogenic electronically.


Photos are due on or before July 5, 2023.


Regency International titleholders will appear in print advertising throughout their year’s reign. As representatives of our pageant system winners must possess photographic appeal, and the ability to project an image, in print, that is consistent with beauty and elegance.


Photogenic competition is worth 25% of the contestants’ score.


Interview (25%)


Each contestant has a personal interview with the panel of judges. Questions will be age-appropriate, and conversational, and will help the judges learn more about each girl/woman. The judges are looking for personality, confidence, and ability to express themselves verbally. Interviews are 3 to 5 minutes. Regency International titleholders must be able to express themselves and project a pleasant personality at all times. Delegates should wear a dress or pantsuit for the interview. The personal interview competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score


Fashion Wear (25%)


Regency International titleholders must be able to project their own personal sense of style. This segment will be very much like a runway fashion show. No full-length evening gowns or costumes. The fashion wear competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.


Evening Gown (25%)


Contestants will appear on stage in the evening gown competition. Regency International titleholders must carry themselves with dignity, grace, poise, and elegance. The eveningwear competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.


Competitions for International Crown is based on scores and awarded, on the last day of the Competition

Photogenic Winner- Contestant in each Division with the highest Score.

  • Winner
  • 1st Runner Up
  • 2nd Runner Up
  • 3rd Runner Up
  • 4th Runner Up– only if 7 or more contestants
  • 5th Runner Up– only if 8 or more contestants




Delegates will wear a white outfit of their choice. A dress or pantsuit is very appropriate for this portion of the competition. The shade of white is up to you. No evening gowns in the opening number.


During the introduction number, delegates will give an introduction no longer than 30 seconds in length. Introductions are not judged.




These rules are for Contestants 12 and under only.

  • No Fake Teeth, No Fake Tans, No Hair Pieces.
  • Extensions may be used; however, points will be deducted if judges can tell they are being worn.
  • Makeup is allowed but should be very lite. Contestants should look their age.
  • Contestants may wear lite foundation, Mascara, lite blush, lite eye shadow, and Lip Gloss.
  • Too much makeup can result in a score reduction.



Your loved ones can show their support by purchasing an ad for our online program book.


Full page $100

Size 8” wide x 11 1/2” tall

Half page $50.00

Program Ad pages are due on or before July 15, 2022



We have a great reception planned for all the delegates and their families. This is a ticked event. For delegates this event is complimentary. Any additional guests will need to purchase a ticket prior to the event.  This year’s Theme is Carnival.  We will also be awarding 3 Carnival Queens that evening.  1. 12 and under, 2. 13 to 18, 3. 19 and up.  Please make sure your outfits are age appropriate.   The outfit should center around the headdress.  See examples below.



Some pageants require delegates to bring a small gift for all other delegates. This is often referred to as “swaps.” Regency International does NOT require swaps. However, over the years some delegates have chosen to bring little trinkets for their sister queens. If you do decide to bring a little gift for each delegate, we will post on FB about 2 weeks before the pageant the total number of delegates. You can decide to bring gifts for delegates in your division or all. The choice is up to you. Gifts can be distributed anytime during pageant week although several girls/women will give them out during the Opening Night Awards Reception




Join in on the fun at the Annual  “ TBA ” afternoon rehearsal. Delegates will have fun modeling their coolest “TBA” down the runway while learning the opening number portion of the program. This is just a fun way to relax, have fun, and during the production of show rehearsal. Please wear “TBA” you would not mind being photographed in, as photos will be taken.


Videographer and Photographer


We will have a video company that will be filming the pageant. There will be no taping/filming/videoing allowed.


The Videographer will be filming your interview. If you choose to purchase the film then you will receive only your interview no one else.



Entry fees must by paid in full by July 15,  2023


Awards Presentation  balance are due at pageant check-in before entering the Presentation.


Pageant tickets are $30 per person for the weekend show does not include the awards presentation event.  These can be purchased on-line, at the Awards Presentation, and during each pageant segment.



Paypal –  Contestants will be sent an invoice in which payments can be made.




Scoring will be conducted on a 10-point scale:

  • 9-10 = Excellent
  • 7-8 = Very Good
  • 5-6 = Good
  • 3-4 = Average
  • 1-2 = Below Average


  • Policy regarding ties: 
    The following procedure is used to break ties at all levels:
  • Each judge will assign the Top 5 finalists a ranking from 1 to 5 (1 = “Winner”, 5 = “4th Runner-Up”.)
  • A ranking of 1st = 5 pts, 2nd = 4 pts, 3rd = 3 pts, 4th = 2 pts, 5th = 1 pt.



Points earned from rankings are added to the delegates’ scores.

If the rankings do not resolve the tie(s), the higher individual competition score will determine the higher placement in this order:  Private Interview, , Photogenic, Evening Gown,  Fashion.

If there are no ties, judges are not asked to provide rankings.


A minimum of 3 judges will evaluate delegates.

Regency International has sole discretion for selecting judges.

Judges are selected by Regency International based on ability to evaluate delegates in a fair, unbiased manner.

Reasonable efforts are made to secure a culturally and professionally diverse panel of judges.

Judges’ names are not released to delegates prior to arrival at the pageant.

Delegates may not approach the judges or engage in conversation with judges prior to or during the competition.  Delegates who are observed approaching a judge or engage in conversation with a judge beyond a brief greeting risk immediate disqualification at the discretion of Regency International

Judges are provided with training and instruction regarding scoring procedures prior to the competition.

Judges are expected to sign an Oath of Ethics

The decision of the judges is final and not contestable.

Score sheets / Feedback:

Delegates may request their scores by Emailing the pageant office. 

Contestants are giving their average Score in Each area of Competition, and their overall Average.  They will also see the winners Average Score, so they can prepare for future pageants. Average scores are e-mailed to delegates 4-6 weeks following the pageant date.

Under no circumstances will delegates have the right to view anyone’s average scores but their own and the winners. Regency International respects each individual delegate’s right to privacy and confidentiality.

The master tabulator’s sheet is not made public




Check with each State Director, some may have a non-compete, some may not.  It is up to the State Organization.






Please read this agreement thoroughly. Each international delegate and parent/guardian will be required to sign this at pageant.







            This document constitutes a legal binding contract between the above named (and/or legal guardian of the above named) hereinafter referred to as “Winner” and Regency International Pageant. hereinafter referred to as “Promoter”.  As a winner, I (and/or my legal guardian) agree to the following:



A.)      PROMOTIONPromoter is permitted to use the names, likeness, and biographical information of Winner, currently and in the future, for purposes of publicity, promotion, and advertising.


B.)      APPEARANCES.   (Appearances are defined as any time Winner wears the crown and/or banner awarded to her or refers to herself in any way using the title awarded to her as a representative of the Regency International Pageant System™.


  • Promoter is responsible for arranging appearances. Promoter will not guarantee a minimum number of appearances.
  • Winner will not use obscene language, on Social Media will not make statements they will put the Regency International in a bad light, Will not post inappropriate pictures or post, will not smoke, will not consume alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs, and will not engage in any behavior that in any way detracts from the honor of the title awarded to her while making an appearance. Promoter reserves the right to define any such behavior as dishonorable.




  • Winner is not permitted to participate in any other pageants during her year’s reign without the consent of the International office. Winner agrees to relinquish Regency International title and return all prizes in good condition should she decide to participate in another pageant during her year’s reign without the signed writing consent form the owner of the Regency International pageant.

D.)     Co-Directors


  • If winner is from a State, Region or Country that had a Regency International Pageant, or a Pageant with an Affiliation with Regency International. The winner will continue to honor all previous commitments thru the State, Region or Country Pageant that they won thru, as long as that organization is still part of the Regency International Pageant.  

E.)      CONTRACT VIOLATION.    Failure to abide by the terms specified in   this contract will result in forfeiture of all prizes won.

Winner will relinquish all claims to the Regency International title, will not make appearances or refer to herself in any way using the forfeited.title.


F.)      STATE MENT OF INFORMED CONSENT.     “My signature below indicates that I have read or have had read to me the terms of this contract. I understand the terms specified in this contract and that I agree to the terms specified in this contract.”


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