
2023 Title Holder

International Pageant


Crown Cases

Silver crown with blue gemstones

Crown Case

Petfest 2016 Tomball TX - Regency International Pageant

Participant Agreement

  1. I agree that I meet all requirements of the Regency International Pageant. As a Teen contestant, I have never been married or given birth to a child and I will be between the ages of 16 and 18 on or before August 1 of the international pageant year. As a Jr. Teen contestant, I have never been married or given birth to a child and I will be between the ages of 13 and 15 on or before August 1, of the International pageant year. As a Miss Contestant, I am unmarried and have not given birth to a child, and will be at a minimum, 19 years of age as of August 1, of International pageant year, and under 28 years of age. As a Mrs. Contestant, I will be legally married as of August 1, of the International pageant year. As a Ms. I am over 18 years to 44 years of age, as of August 1, of International pageant year, divorced, widowed, have a child or Single 29 years old and never married and up to age 44 years of age as of August 1, of International pageant year. As a Little Miss I am between 8 to 10 years as of August 1, of International pageant year, As a Jr. Miss I am between 11 to 12 years as of August 1, of International pageant year. As a Tiny contestant I am between 4 to 5 years as of August 1, of International pageant year, Petite contestant I am between 6 to 7 years as of August 1, of International pageant year. Classic contestants are 45 and up as of August 1, of the International pageant year. Shapely Contestant I am 19 and up, size 14w and up as of August 1, of International Pageant year.
  2. I am of good health and moral character.
  3. I agree that I am not under contract with any person, firm, or corporation with respect to my present title nor have I made any legal obligations that would prevent my appearance or participation in the international or state competition.
  4. I agree to participate in all scheduled activities for the pageant dates and cooperate with pageant staff and assigned chaperones.
  5. I will not consume alcoholic beverages (over the age of 21), or publicly smoke while in sash during the course of the pageant. The use of illegal drugs is prohibited.
  6. The Regency International organization, its officers, directors, staff, and sponsors are not responsible for personal injury to anyone or damages during the pageant.
  7. I understand that Miss Regency International, Miss Teen Regency International, Jr. Teen Regency International, Mrs. Regency International, Ms. Regency International, Classic Regency International, Tiny Regency International, Petite Regency International, Little Miss Regency International, Jr. Miss Regency International, Shapely Regency International are not associated with: Miss Universe, Miss U.S.A., Miss Teen U.S.A., Guy Rex’s Miss United States, Guy Rex’s Miss Teen, Mrs. United States, Miss America, America’s Jr. Miss, Miss Teen All American, Miss Teen America Program, or any other state or national pageant not associated with the Regency International pageant system.
  8. I am a female, Delegate must represent and warrant that she is a female—recognized medically and legally as a female in the United States. If her gender or sex designated at birth was not female, she must represent and warrant that (a) she has fully completed sex reassignment (which can be certified by a physician, if requested Pageant Director), and (b) and she received and can provide (if requested by Pageant Director) legal recognition of her assigned sex as female by the U.S. Federal government or her U.S. state of residence.  Documents acceptable for such Legal recognition include: driver’s license or ID card issued by her state of residence, birth certificate, U.D. Passport or Social Security card.  Citizen of the U.S. or a citizen of another Country (international pageant) and a resident, Student or have Family Heritage in of the area, city, state, territory, or county I represent.
  9. I understand that if I am selected as an at-large contestant, my entry fee and travel expenses will be my own responsibility.
  10. I agree that the time, manner and method of judging shall be solely within the discretion of the state or International pageant director and Regency International Organization staff and the decision of the judges will be final. Contestants will be scored from 1 to 10, 10 being highest Score, in each area of competition. In case of a tie for the winner the judges will be given names of the top 5 Contestants, and ask to place them in winner,1st, 2nd runner up, 3rd, 4th runner up order. Each of the 5 finalist is given points winner 5, 1st runner up 4, 2nd runner 3, 3rd runner up 2, 4th runner up 1 point. This is then add to the already total score for the pageant. In case this does not break the tie, the head judge will break tie. 3 Judges are the Minimum requirement at each pageant. Contestants will be emailed or zoom meeting (one or the other, but not both). their average score in each area of competition within 8 weeks after the pageant.
  11. I permit my photograph, likeness, voice recording, and name to be used without charge for publicity and commercial purposes. I understand that I may appear on television.
  12. I understand that if I am selected the state winner or International winner that I may be called on to do appearances for state or international sponsors that are now in effect or that become in effect during my reign for no compensation, but will not be made to appear if too far from home to travel. I further understand that I will be called on to do appearances to promote the pageant and compensation for meals, travel and/or accommodations is not guaranteed. (Only will make appearances within a certain distance from home).
  13. I agree that if I become the winner of the state competition or Miss Regency International, Miss Teen Regency International, Jr. Teen Regency International, Ms. Regency International, Mrs. Regency International, Little Miss Regency International, or Jr. Miss Regency International, Classic Regency International, Tiny Regency International, Petite Regency International, Shapely Regency International Competition, that during my term my professional affairs and the said winner will be under the sole management of the state director and the Regency International Organization.
  14. I acknowledge ownership by the Regency International Organization the validity or the name Miss Teen Regency International™, Jr. Teen Regency International, Miss Regency International™, MS Regency International™, Mrs. Regency International™Little Miss Regency International™Jr. Miss Regency International™, Tiny Miss Regency International™ Petit Miss Regency International™, Classic Regency International™, Shapely Regency International™and that I will not jeopardize such property rights in any manner.
  15. I understand that as a Regency International system titleholder, including area, city, state, county and International; misrepresentation of my title, in any way, shape or form is considered fraud and is grounds for immediate disqualification and termination of contract without compensation. In this event, all prizes, including crown and banner when applicable, will be returned in the condition it was received at the expense of the titleholder.
  16. Failure of the winner to comply with the terms, restrictions, provisions, or obligations thereof, shall at the sole opinion of the state director or Regency International Organization, result in the disqualification, loss of title and the contestant’s resignation. In such case the pageant will be awarded the crown, banner and all prizes, in the same condition in which it was received.
  17. I understand the winning contestant whose title is relinquished or disqualified will be responsible for any court costs and attorney fees that the pageant director of Miss Regency International, Miss Teen Regency International, Jr. Teen Regency International, Ms. Regency International, Mrs. Regency International, Little Miss Regency International, Jr. Miss Regency International, Classic Regency International, Tiny Regency International, Petite Regency International, Shapely Regency International may accrue for legal action for the return of said prizes and the property of the local or state or International pageant.
  18. I understand that if I am selected as the state titleholder, I will not be required to sign a one-year or length of reign contract /agreement with the pageant and its directors as the titleholder, but if I am unable to represent my title, all prizes will be prorated up til the time as Titleholder could not represent any longer. This contract/agreement is not negotiable and may not be amended except by the Regency International organization and it’s director.
  19. I understand that if I am selected as the International titleholder, I will be required to sign a one-year or length of reign contract /agreement with the pageant and its directors as the titleholder, but if I am unable to represent my title, all prizes such as cruise and cash will be forfeited. This contract/agreement is not negotiable. International Titleholders cannot compete in another pageant without written consent from the International director. If you want to compete in any pageant system during your reign, you must have international directors writing approval.
  20. I understand that I may withdraw from the competition at any time. I understand that I will not for any reason or under no circumstances be entitled to any refund, whether in whole or in part of my sponsor or registration fee. I also understand that there will be a $30.00 charge for any returned checks.
  21. International Winners will be able to recompete for the same title after 5 years. They can recompete if they are eligible for another division. 
  22. State Titleholders will be able to recompete for the same state title as long as they did not win the International Title in the same division or after 5 years. Contestants must wait until a year after they give up their titles to complete.

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Silver crown with blue gemstones
Petfest 2016 Tomball TX - Regency International Pageant
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